A successful pre-authorization payment from a customer ensures that funds will be available on the customer card once your service is complete. When you are ready to charge your customer, you easily capture the payment from your ‘Payment History’ page.

There are 3 ways to take a pre-authorization: 

Pre-Authorizations Using Single Payment Requests

Go to icn user > Payment Request  >  Single Payment Request

Step 1: Complete the payment request form. Determine whether you want your payment request to be sent by text message and/or email or create a web link which you can send via any direct message service e.g. WhatsApp.
Step 2: Change the 'Payment Type' option to 'Pre-Authorization'. Click here for more details on how to send a once-off payment request.
Step 3: View the status of your payment request. Click the Hamburger Button, navigate to 'Transactions' > 'Transaction Log'. 
Step 4: Capture the payment. Click the Hamburger Button, navigate to 'Transactions' > 'Payment History'. If the pre-authorization status is 'Pre-Authorized’, click the Action button and select the 'Capture' option to complete the payment transaction. A new payment line item will be created with the same 'Payment ID'" which will indicate status is 'Captured.'

Pre-Authorizations Using the Virtual Terminal

Go to icn user > Virtual Terminal  >  Virtual Terminal Payment

The Virtual Terminal can be used to process any card, virtual or otherwise

Pre-Authorizations using the QR Payment Link on the Dashboard

Go to icn user > QR Code Payment Link

Create a QR Payment Link where your customer can scan a code or follow a link to make a payment.